There are certain inexorable trends in tech: better, faster, smaller. One of the natural results of that evolutionary bent is a push towards accomplishing complex tasks using multiple simple components instead of using a single complex device. Case-in-point: 360cam.
“In other words, Surface is the tablet equivalent of the HTC One: it is high end hardware in a market where Apple has already taken the high end. Both Surface and One are thus stuck in the middle, appealing to no one.”
“But quantum computers use quantum bits, qubits, which can exist as 1s and 0s at the same time. They can operate as many numbers simultaneously. It’s a mind-bending, late-night-in-the-dorm-room concept that lets a quantum computer calculate at ridiculously fast speeds.”
The latest Chrome beta has enabled Google Now and ‘Ok Google’ technology, using proactive voice recognition that monitors microphone feeds for your utterances of ‘Ok Google’. Tin foil hatters are out in full force which begs a little review of how a tech company can get away with being creepy without … being creepy.
Define how many seconds is “a few seconds before”.
So the Surface Pro 3 is all over the news now with emphasis on its various differentiating features, including a larger screen, thinner form factor, 3-position kickstand, and new keyboard design, some of which we’ll be analyzing over the next little while. But let’s address the first major controversy; the switch from a Wacom to an N-trig screen digitizer.
Ren Ng, founder of Lytro talks in 2012 about the development of the first Lytro camera. Nearly everyone has seen the whole re-focusing schtick. If you haven’t seen it though, the last part of the presentation on limited perspective changing (@14:43) is a real eye-opener.
Everyone’s tastiest Star Trek appliance, the notorious tea generating Replicator comes 1-step closer to reality. Actually scratch that. Not even close.
While all sorts of attention has been heaped on Oculus, the holy grail of Head-Mounted Displays — the proverbial screen-in-sunglasses goes unnoticed. Let’s try and fix that.
Weltome to TechTalk9. We hope to bring you thoughtful coverage of the latest technology devices and trends from across the Interwebs. See you after the break!